
Since 2018, we support our entrepreneurs in obtaining the necessary certifications and permits to operate

General Business Certifications and Licenses

  • Pennsylvania Limited Liability Company (LLC): Registration of the company in the State of Pennsylvania.

Special Business Certifications and Licenses

Certifications Specific to Women-Owned Businesses

  • Minority & Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Certification: A certification to promote the growth and development of women- and minority-owned businesses in Pittsburgh

Certifications and licenses for Construction companies

  • Home Improvement Contractor Registration: For all home improvement companies. Certification valid for two years.

Certifications and licenses for Food companies

  • Permanent Food Facility Health Permit: Before opening, the establishment must pass an inspection conducted by the Allegheny County Health Department.

  • Food Protection Manager Certification: Course and certification for all persons in contact with food. Certification valid for five year.
  • Occupancy/Building Permits: Only required if the building where the restaurant is located is not recognized for commercial restaurant use.

Event and FoodTruck Certifications

  • Mobile Food Facility: This application is for owners of mobile food establishments intending to operate in Allegheny County.

  • Temporary and Seasonal Facilities and Events: All temporary and seasonal food facilities, except those selling only unprocessed products or prepackaged foods that do not require time and temperature control for safety (non-TCS foods), must have a current Allegheny County food permit.

Certifications and Licenses for Beauty Salons/Barber Shops

  • Cosmetology License: A cosmetologist needs a license issued by the State Board of Cosmetology to provide various services.
  • Barber License: Each barber working in the barbershop must have a valid Barber License issued by the Pennsylvania State Board of Barber Examiners
  • Occupancy/Building permits: If the building where the business is located is not recognized by the city for commercial beauty or barber shop use, this permit will be required.

Other Permits and Registrations

  • Beneficial Ownership Information Registration: Mandatory registration for all companies registered in the United States.

  • Alcohol Sales Permit: We facilitate the process of obtaining a license for alcohol sales with the support of specialized attorneys.

Do you need help obtaining any of these certificates?