Business Incubator
The Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation (PHDC) operates a Business Incubator located in Beechview
The PHDC Business Incubator is a multicultural space where Hispanic entrepreneurs can meet with experienced staff who speak fluent Spanish, Portuguese, and English, and who understand the perspective of a Hispanic in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. PHDC guides entrepreneurs to create business plans, cash flow projections, balance sheets, and market analyses, and to identify financing strategies. PHDC specializes in addressing cross-cultural challenges that inhibit the ability of Hispanic Entrepreneurs to maximize potential, particularly in areas of funding and marketing.
Community & Economic Development
The PHDC Business Incubator project supports Community and Economic Development by advancing the economic and housing opportunities of an underrepresented demographic group, increasing economic activity in a neighborhood ready for transition, and by building the capacity of that neighborhood to carry development forward. Sustaining and accelerating the growth of the Pittsburgh region can only be accomplished through the promotion of diversity and racial equity and that is the mission of the PHDC and this project.