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Families renting or buying a house facilitated by PHDC

(Last update, December 2024)

Housing Initiative

The housing initiative of the Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation is a collaborative effort between PHDC and real estate companies/landlords to facilitate access to the rental market for our community. We work with realtors to find places for individuals and families, along with helping to arrange private financing.

Rental services

For tenants:

  • Navigation services.
  • Communication between tenants and landlords (during the renting process and the term of the lease).

  • Coordination of the signing of the lease with tenants.
  • Explanation of the lease.
  • Interpretation of communications (translation to Spanish and Portuguese).

  • Assistance in Switching utilities.

For landlords:

  • Posting of the properties (PHDC website and Facebook page).
  • Management of Inquiries for the properties (more than 5 per week).
  • Showing of the properties.
  • Coordination of the signing of the lease with tenants.
  • Communication between tenants and landlords (during the renting process and the term of the lease).
  • Monthly follow-up meetings with landlords.
  • Lease Renewal and follow up.

“We overcome the language and cultural barriers to facilitate the renting process”

Partnering with PHDC

Partnering with the Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation is a great way to expand your business into a vibrant and growing community. Not only will it be profitable for your portfolio and require less hands-on management, but it would be a great way for supporting the diversity of the city.

What we do:

  • Find qualified tenants
  • Ensure their ability to pay for the duration of the lease
  • Assist them with filing paperwork
  • Act as intermediary during tenant disputes
  • Assist with translation/communication between land lords and tenants
  • Provide access to our extensive network of independent, qualified contractors

Becoming a partner is a very simple process.

1: Housing Partnership Application

2: Our team will reach out to you and inspect the properties to ensure they meet our standards.

3: Wait to hear from us when we have found an appropriate candidate.

It’s that simple!