
PHDC assists you in finding employment

The Pittsburgh Hispanic Development Corporation is a Community and Economic Development organization focusing on employment opportunities, advancement, and overall improving the quality of living of an underrepresented demographic group. Our employment program assists community members seeking employment due to relocation to Pittsburgh from another country, state, or city.

People found employment with the assistance of PHDC

(Last update, September 2024)

Our employment services

• Job Listing  • Resume Creation & Review  • Interview Preparation  • Job Application Assistance   • Background Check & Medical Tests • Appointments Set Up  • Follow Up • Unemployment Benefits

PHDC works with employers who are interested in hiring workers from the Latino Community.  We can help you to create a resume, apply for a opening position and schedule interviews. You can provide your search information by completing this form.

We will post your job listing. We are especially focused on jobs that require bilingual skills. PHDC kindly asks you to make a donation as a courtesy for posting your job. You may provide your posting information by completing this Job Posting form.